Flexible Grants in Devon
Good news for all households in Devon.
We have grants available for Free First Time Central Heating in your area. You do not need to be in receipt of benefits to access these grants. If your home has no central heating at the moment or at any time in the past you could be eligible to have a full central heating system installed FREE of cahrge including a gas connection if applicable.
A brief outline of the rules is below :
Low income households and vulnerability to cold
Below are the basic criteria set by the Local Authority for ECO flexible eligibility low income and vulnerability to cold qualification. For a resident of Devon to be deemed eligible they must meet the requirements of either 1. Living in fuel poverty but not in receipt of benefits. 2 On a low income and vulnerable to cold. 3. Be in receipt of benefits.
A household will be identified as living on a low income if the household income is less than £30,000 per annum, £2500 per month AFTER paying tax, mortgage or rent and fuel bills. So if you have less than £2500 per month left after paying tax, rent or mortgage and fuel bills you qualify under low income.
Vulnerability to cold includes people who have a health condition made worse by cold or young children (less than 10 years old) or older people (Over 65 years Old.
If you are in receipt of benefits you will also qualify for a grant.
Complete the simple application form by clicking the link below, call one of our friendly team free on 0800 0988667 or email us at info@homeenergygrants.net
Claim Your Grant Here